Strength Is A Virtue


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Complete the form and take the first step to forging an unbreakable body and mind.


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What do

you get?

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Workout plans made for you

No BS programming. Real results.

Nutrition Guidance

Ancestral nutrition as nature intended

We track your progress together

Data driven results day after day

Continuous communication

Accountability: Holding you to your word

Workout plans made for you

No BS programming. Real results.

Nutrition Guidance

Ancestral nutrition as nature intended

We track your progress together

Data driven results day after day

Continuous communication

Accountability: Holding you to your word

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the different features.
Coach showing her muscles during a workout.

Why choose

online coaching?

My commitment to each individual: to empower the many with the strength of a hardened, capable body, and a mindset that summons the inherent strength within. Entering the realm of unconventional training, using kettlebells, sandbags, steel clubs and maces, one will experience the essence of their true strength and power, transcending self perceived limitations from within. My coaching methodology is a no BS approach, where I won’t give you want you want, but I will give you what you need.

I practice what I teach. And for you, it starts here, where your mind leads, your body follows. Through my unconventional training methods, mastering the foundational strength exercises with sandbags, using kettlebell complexes, steel clubs/maces for an unconventional strength methodology, that combines simplicity and intensity. It doesn’t just redefine what it feels like to be strong, but proves that with a toughened body is built on a hardened mind - anyone can achieve their goals in life.

Coach lifting weights during a workout.
Coach displaying her strength while working out.
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